You are now the advocate for your loved ones. Make sure they are getting the best medical care possible. Your job is to find the most competent and caring physicians you can. Work with medical professionals you can trust to help you and your loved one through these difficult times. You will find strength you never knew you had, just make sure you save some for yourself. One of the hazards of caregiving is sacrificing yourself in the process.
One Thing at a Time
During times of crisis, don’t worry about the future. Deal with NOW. Choose the first goal to reach. Don’t worry about what might occur later. This only increases your anxiety and stress. Choose the next goal and take one step at a time. Worrying about the future saps your energy during critical times.
Tell Others Your Worries
Don’t deny your own pain and frustration. And don’t hold it in. It is important to find ways to vent about your own stress and tell others what you are going through. Those who care will be there for you.
Taking Care of You
You must take care of your own physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. You may be focused on your loved one’s suffering, but you need to be strong in order to be there for them. Leave, with a friend or other family member taking over, for short periods, and do not feel guilty. Watch your own health–get adequate nutrition, exercise, and rest. Remember the statement about using oxygen masks on airplanes: “When flying with children, always place YOUR mask on first.” You have to be strong, aware and able-bodied to be able to help others.
Knowing When to Let Go
When it comes to making decisions about end of life or continued treatment, make the choice is based on the best interest of your loved one. Rather than allowing loved ones to die peacefully, some people insist that “everything be done.” This causes unnecessary pain and suffering to the loved one. The motivation may be guilt or the inability to let go. In such situations this is a selfish, rather than a loving act. Know in your heart when it is time to let go.
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