“Honey, I sent out your Christmas card but I can’t remember if I wrote anything in it or not!”
“Haha! Well, Mom, if you didn’t then I will write in there that it was from you. No big deal.”
“But you don’t understand! I’m afraid I’m going crazy! You know, that demented thing people get when they get old!”
“Mom, you’re not crazy or demented. For one thing, if you had dementia, you wouldn’t even remember to send out Christmas cards let alone write in them.”
“You’re kidding me. Is that what dementia is?”
“Yes, that is what dementia is. You wouldn’t remember to do simple holiday things, you might not even remember what Christmas is. So I think you are just fine, don’t worry about it.”
“Well, ok then. When you get it, will you call me and let me know if I wrote anything or not?”
“I sure will, Mom, love you and talk to you later.”
I received the card about three days later and, yes, she had written a short note in it. My Mom is just fine. I hope I’m as active and spry as she is when I reach her age.
Please keep in mind that there are those loved ones who don’t remember the holidays or the traditions anymore but they should still be included in all the gatherings and all the hoopla. If not for their sake, then for yours. You will have the memories to hold on to when you need to.
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