One evening, Mom took her shower and washed her hair. She went to bed soon afterward.
The next morning, she came out of her bathroom and sat down in the kitchen where I was getting some coffee. She looked kind of bewildered.
What’s wrong, Mom?
My hair turned white!
Your hair turned white? What do you mean?
Look! My hair turned white when I washed it last night!
Oh my gosh! You’re right! It IS white! Wow!
I wasn’t going to argue and tell her that her hair has been white for nearly 20 years-- ya gotta pick your battles.
A few days ago, after 3 very dry and windy days, I decided to water the trees. One spindly tree had several dead limbs, from another old tree, laying on the ground near it.
Mom, I’m going out to water the trees.
Well, do me a favor. Those limbs that are laying out there-- will you take some string and tie the limbs to that little tree? That way they will grow onto it.
Mom, it doesn’t work that way. Those limbs belonged to another tree and they are dead, they won’t grow again.
Ok!! Whatever you think!
And she, angrily, stomped off to her room.
Mom had been very jumpy for a few days. Every sound-- the closing of a car door outside, a tree limb scratching the side of the house, a noise from the neighbors-- She would jump and loudly proclaim “What was that?” Sis or I would calmly tell her what each sound was. This went on for awhile.
Finally, I asked her, “Mom, why are you so jumpy and nervous lately?”
I don’t know! I think I’m going through menopause!”
(Yeh, Mom, that’s probably it.)
Which brings me to an incident that happened one afternoon between Sis and I.
She was fixing herself a ham sandwich and I was microwaving some hot tea.
She gets out the sandwich makings then, while putting it all away, she asked me why the tartar sauce was out? I told her “You got it out!” She just shook her head in exasperation.
In the meantime, I had put a teabag in a cup and popped in the microwave. When it beeped, I took it out of the microwave and discovered I hadn‘t put any water in it!
Jeesh! How can 2 menopausal maniacs, with memory lapses, take care of their Mom who has dementia? Blind leading the blind!
---What you have read is the God’s honest truth. Trust me, I couldn’t make this stuff up!---
Thanks for the giggle! Sounds like a merry household! :-)
Thank you, Jonie!
these little stories are very touching, with a sense of humor and melancholy...:)
Thank you, Giulia! :)
love your post and a while ago i came across your blog and checked your different post and blogs that you have. i am glad i am up to date on what has been going on. sounds like life is carrying on as usual. i commend you for taking care of your mom. i did it with my god-mother till she was 98. she also had dementia. so i can relate to your stories. they are very real to me and bring back memories. i am glad i did what i did and the rewards have brought me many blessings.
Thank you Lorilynn! Yes, there are days when I am thankful I am here for Mom, then those days when there is lots of eye-rolling (on my part) and hair pulling-- thinking I can't do this much longer. Thankfully the good days outweigh the bad ones. :)
Day-to-Day Ditties not only made me laugh; it made me laugh out loud.
Good! I was hoping for a good laugh for every one!
Thanks Nancy! :)
Hey Nancy (and anyone else), go to Mouse Musings and see what I posted today! You will definitely laugh out loud!
:-D Your posts always give me a laugh -- your family is a hoot ! hehe!
Hi Victoria! Nice to see you here! Yeh, we are quite the odd bunch! :))
You had me laughing all the way through! I can so relate! The laughter erases the stress so we can return to doing what needs done.
Now, if someone would kindly invent a way for stress to burn calories instead of building belly fat? That'd be nice, thanks.
Oh my! You must be reading my mind! 20 seconds before your comment came through, I was thinking of trying to find an exercise to tighten up my belly muscles so my fat wouldn't pooch out!! hahahahaha!!!
I'm glad you had a good laugh! It DOES help doesn't it? :))
Barbara, I love the picture of you and your mom, your both adorable.
Why thank you Nancy! I just changed the header this past week. I wanted something more personal for the blog! Glad you like it!
Too funny! The white hair thing reminded me of me when i took a good look at my hands one day; i was like those wrinkly old hands are not mine!
Hahahaha! I know what you mean, Lorraina! :)
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