Mom insisted there was, that she could hear them at night. So, I walked around the mobile home and looked for anything that might cause that kind of noise. Sure enough, there was a small bush that scraped against the side of the house and, underneath the house, there were thick stick-like weeds that would scrape under the house when it was windy --which is pretty much a daily occurrence here in good ol’ West Texas. I trimmed back the bush and pulled the weeds.
2 days later, I asked Mom if she still the heard the noises at night and she said the noises did stop but that didn’t mean the mice weren’t still there. I have found no droppings, no evidence of any kind of mice inhabitants. Besides that, with Goody here I’m sure the mice would leave or she’d get them. After all those years on the streets I’m sure she’s a great mouser!
When brother D stayed here for a month, he slept on the fold-out couch. Every day, when he folded it back up, he’d notice that it was farther from the wall than it was previously. Mom asked him what in the world was making that couch scoot out from the wall like that? While he knew it was because of the folding and unfolding every day, he told her that the mice had lived there for so long and had such a good supply of food that they were able to build up their muscles to the point they became strong enough to push the couch out from the wall.
Her reply ...”You’re NOT funny!”
We’ve had many a good laugh over that one.
Yesterday, while I was gone to the store, Sis J was with Mom. Mom asked her to dust the living room tables. While she was doing that, Mom asked her to take off the lampshades and clean them.
She said there was mouse poop in the shades.
Sis said, “Say what?”
“There’s mouse poop in the lampshades.”
“Mom, there isn’t any mouse poop in the lampshade.”
“Yes, there is! A whole bunch of it!”
“Mom, the mice are not going to climb up a lamp and poop in the lampshade.”
“You take off my lampshade and you’ll see them.”
J took off the lampshade and inspected it.
“Mom, these are dead bugs, the little gnats that fly around the light bulb at night.”
“No they’re not! Those are mouse poopings! Now, just clean it out and quit arguing with me!”
Fine! So, it has been established that mice poop in lampshades, live in the bed mattress, and live in the couch. Any of these scenarios are very possible as anyone with a mouse problem knows. But, in this case, there is no evidence or sightings whatsoever in the 8 months I’ve been here.
Next thing ya know, they’ll be nesting in her hair.
---What you have read is the God’s honest truth. Trust me, I couldn’t make this stuff up!---
Oh my, your family is hilarious! Mouse poop in the lampshades! Hahaha, thanks for the laugh!!
Yes, they are hilarious!! Thanks Jonie!!!
Barbara, this post was too funny! You have a wonderful sense of humor, whenever I read your entries I’m left laughing all day. My question is what will we be like when we’re older?
Thanks Nancy! I'm glad I could make you laugh!
We will be the same or worse! :)))
Oh my goodness; that is hilarious!!!!!
This was a great way to start the early afternoon --with a hearty laugh! hehe! :-D
Glad you had a good laugh ATL! Thank you for your comment! :)))
Lady, I have to say, I love your writing. I have been following you for a few years and enjoy checking every so often to find out how things are going with you. I live in East Texas. My mother is 67 and we are thinking she has dementia. I understand how you feel sometimes. I would like to pull my hair out sometimes at the things she comes up with, but I laugh it off instead. Anyway, thank you for you just don't know how you lift my spirits sometimes. Shellie
Well, hello Shellie! Wow, you've been following me that long? I'm honored! My daughter's name is Shelley --nice coincidence!
I'm happy that you get a laugh out of my posts, that is my intention for all of my reader's! Yes, I always say "You have to laugh or you'd go crazy!"
Stop by again! :)
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