And, yes, I’ve somehow become the Wicked Witch of the West!
This past Wednesday, the temperature had soared to 80 degrees! I would be fine with this for a day or 2 but checked the 10-day weather report and it was going to be HOT for a week with a little break for a couple days then HOT again for days and days.
This mobile home is the typical ‘metal box’ and heat absorbed into it in no time. We had the screen on the front door and that was all. None of the windows (old roll-out type) open in this house except for one in my bedroom. They are all rusted/corroded shut and haven’t been open in over 20 years. I just don’t ‘get that’! How can someone live without ever opening their windows for fresh air?
I told Mom the weather forecast and suggested we get the air conditioning going. She said it was way too early in the season and we always have snow on Easter so, no, we weren’t going to turn it on yet. I explained, again, the weather report --no more snow, just hot, hot, hot! She insisted it was going to snow and that’s the end of that!
I tried to just shut up and take the heat but by afternoon, I was pouring sweat. Add the occasional hot flash and I was miserable. I put the fan in the living room but all it did was stir around the hot air. Mom was sweating, also, and changed into shorts and a sleeveless blouse but still sweating and uncomfortable and still adamant that there was no need for the AC yet. Sis came over later and said “My God! It feels like a furnace in here, why don’t you have the AC on?” I told her to ask Mom. She did, and got the same argument. She told Mom it didn’t matter if it was going to snow on Easter, it was hot NOW and she needed to get that AC on.
Sis called brother N to come down and do the yearly maintenance on the AC and get it turned on. He came in and exclaimed about how hot it was in here. Mom said nothing to him. But, while he was outside getting the AC ready, she told me and Sis and that he could do the maintenance on it but we were NOT going to turn it on! “I’ve never in my life ever turned on the AC in April! I never turn it on until June!” We argued that there was no way we were waiting until June, we’d have a heat stroke!
N came in later and said it was ready to go. Mom said, “Don’t you turn that on! It’s too early!” So, he had pretty much the same argument us girls had with her and she just sighed and clammed up. N turned on the AC and we had blessed relief within minutes.
Mom has always paid N for whatever work he does around the house but later, during a card game, she asked me how much I was going to pay him!!! I very calmly stated “Whatever he wants!!” I was not going to play her game!
She didn’t speak to me or Sis for 2 days and the atmosphere was very tense. We were evil beings who dared to defy her kingdom! But, all is well, now, and she is appreciating the cool air.
Tomorrow is Easter --- weather forecast is a high of 90 and sunny.
Hey MOM! Air Conditioning means to cool air that is too has NOTHING to do with TIME, only TEMPERATURE! Oy Vey!
Hahaha! That's right, Zada!! Thanks so much for the backup! :))
Oh I feel for you. We get days of above 40 degrees celsius and the hottest was 47 which is 116.6 degrees farenheit. And the aircon went on the blink.......was dreadful....had to take Dad to the shopping centre and library.......oooohhhh then at home put wet towels on him. So I can truly relate to what you're saying
I hate the heat too.
Hi No.1! Long time no see!
Wow! 116 degrees? Now, THAT is hot! That must have been a nightmare for you!
Thanks for stopping by! :)
I’m with you; once the temperature gets past 78 degrees the air goes on.
(I love the title “I’m Melting” and the witch you’re really creative.)
Why, thank you Nancy! I love creating things like that, it's fun for me!
Have you ever checked my other site --3B Digital Art? There, you will see my more serious creations. :)
My AC is kicking, too, so I am glad you prevailed and can enjoy the cool air!! And those hot flashes? Argh, I know. I have surgically induced menopause at a pretty young age, so I totally feel ya!
Your mom was probably internally thanking you but just too stubborn to say anything, lol. ;-)
Bless your patient heart, BBB!!!
Thank you atl! Patient? Not so much anymore but I'm trying to keep my cool!
Oh, my goodness! I'm certain that I'd have played out a scenario in my mind of turning the AC down so low it felt like it could snow indoors! One Christmas, before Mom was diagnosed, the house filled with people and the heat from cooking. As it grew warmer, someone suggested that we open the front door. Dad couldn't reason opening the door with snow on the ground, so he turned on the AC. Seems to me we all got our first real glimpse at how Alzheimer's effects reasoning skills. I'm stubborn about our AC, too. Of course, up here in Ohio, we don't usually need it before the middle of June. I always want to hold out until July 4th, but as I get older and generate my own powerful heat source at random moments, I find myself mentioning to Hubby how we should start thinking about getting the window unit out of storage to clean it, clearing the area around the window, getting it installed... We'll be lucky to make it to Memorial Day in another few years, I'm afraid.
"but as I get older and generate my own powerful heat source at random moments"---
Oh I know exactly what you mean! That's part of my problem, too, but I try to keep that in consideration so as not to freeze Mom due to my own personal discomfort. BUT, when it is between 80-90 degrees for an entire week and it is truly hot then I had to insist on the AC. West Texas is much hotter and dryer than Ohio (I lived in Indiana many years) so I couldn't take it any more!
Thank you, Nauri!! :)
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