A while back, she was going to cook an egg for breakfast. She cracked open the egg into the skillet, then I heard a little shriek! I went to the kitchen to see what was wrong.
“What’s the matter with this egg?”
“I don’t know, Mom, what’s the matter with it?”
“That goop! Can’t you see that goop on the egg?”
“Goop? What goop are you talking about?”
“THAT goop--right there!” She pointed to the ‘goop’ on the egg.
“Mom, that’s just part of the egg, it’s always there.”
“No, it’s not! It’s never been on any of my eggs before! What have those egg people done to my eggs? They’re injecting them with something, this isn’t right at all! They‘ve ruined my eggs!”
“Mom, I think it’s always been a part of the egg. I don’t think anyone would take the time to inject each and every egg at the egg factory. That would take forever.”
“Well! Apparently somebody has a lot of time on their hands then! I’m not eating this!”
“Mom! It’s not going to hurt you! It’s part of the egg!”
Mom proceeds to take a fork and try to pull the ‘goop’ off of the egg.
“Well crap! Now it broke the yolk! I’m not eating an egg with a broken yolk!”
“Mom, how about if I scramble it for you.”
“What? No way! It’ll mix that goop all through it then! Forget it, I’ll throw it away and try another one, maybe it‘s just this one!”
Mom throws away the broken egg and cracks open another one.
“What’s the matter with this egg?”
“Mom, that’s just part of the egg, it’s always there.”
“Dammit! I’ll never eat another egg again!”
Oh God! My eyes hurt from doing this so much > >
LOL.......I think your Mom finally realized what that goop really is!!!!!!!!
Oh my... sorry, can't help laughing.I too don't like the "goop" , but I know it's part of the egg...
Thank you Judi and Jonie!! Laugh away! I intended for this post to be funny! I have to see the funny side of caring for Mom so I don't go nuts! ;)
Yuck! I see the “goop” all the time, and never thought about it, until Sammy and Andy’s comment, “I think your Mom finally realized what that goop really is.” What is it?
I don't know what it is Nancy. I just accept it as part of the egg--it cooks through anyway. We'll have to ask 'Sammy and Andy' what it is!
HAHA Oh, the fun of our Parents becoming picky eaters! Mom refuses to eat bread. Dad refuses to eat the crust. Mom wondered who's hair was in her string beans... Um, that girl running around here with dark green hair? Mom insisted there was no such employee! Well, then perhaps it's part of the bean... here, like this one and this one. Telling her a story I remember about helping string, snap, and shell beans brought her back around to being ok with the green beans. She still was upset that no one had taken the time, like I had all those years ago, to string them. *sigh*
Hahaha! Nauri, this is a real trip taking care of Mom! What an experience!
OMG! just realised i was reading your blog backwards. Tomorrow i'll start at the beginning, in the meanwhile i have to say -
that egg snot goop is something i can't stand either and it's amazing that it even shows up in cooking shows and commercials and nobody knows what it is and so they ignore it and eat it anyway, ewwww!
oops, sorry for dbl comment, i meant to add:
make your mom eggs by cracking it open and let the white fall into the pan or bowl and the goop thing usually stays with the yolk. Transfer the yolk back and forth from shell to shell until the goop is dangling over the edge then you can cut it off with the opposite shell, or your thumb and let it drop into the sink. Sometimes needs to be repeated as goop sometimes has 2 ends.....
Lorraina, blogs can be hard to understand since they ARE backwards with the latest post at the top.
I guess I'm the only one who isn't bothered by the egg goop! :))
Lorraina, I solved the problem by buying her Egg Beaters! She loves them! :)
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