Sis has about a dozen stray cats that come to her house every morning and evening to eat. She buys the food then pours it into containers around the yard for the strays. The strays know when it’s time to eat and no matter where they are they manage to get to Sis’ house on time for their meals. She has such a big heart for cats and has several of her own indoor cats she cares for also.
Soon after I moved here to Mom’s I noticed a big ol’ gray tiger striped cat wandering around the area. One day, I pointed it out to Sis. She said “Oh, that’s Good Kitty.” I thought the cat was one of the many strays, which she gives names to, and thought nothing more of it.
As time went by, some of the strays got to know me and would hang out on our porch sleeping in the sun. Good Kitty was one of them. I’d always go out and pet them and talk to them. Good Kitty was always the last one to leave at the end of the day.
Two weeks ago, we had a cold spell with gusting Texas winds and temps in the 40’s. I felt so bad for the strays but most would get under the mobile homes and stay warm that way. However, Good Kitty would hang out by the window and look in. She looked so sad and lost. One evening, Sis came over to visit and Good Kitty came in with her!
Mom was not happy about that! She wanted Sis to take the cat outside. Sis asked her “Why? It’s not hurting anything.” The cat was laying on the floor in front of the couch. Mom insisted she was not going to have another cat, they got into things, jumped up on things, and were dangerous being around her legs. Sis said “Mom, this would be the perfect cat for you. It’s fixed and de-clawed and is much older. It wouldn’t be getting in the way at all.” I said “What? It’s fixed and de-clawed? I thought it was a stray!”
Well, it turns out that the cat had a family who lived a few doors down for several years. They moved out at the beginning of summer and left the cat there! I don’t get that!!! How does someone have a cat for years, have it fixed and de-clawed--which costs a considerable amount of money--and then just leave it behind?
Now, I felt totally different about the cat. This cat had been an indoor cat since it was a kitten and had to spend the summer wandering the neighborhood with no defense against other animals. I felt so bad for the poor cat. It looked to be at least 5 years old if not older. I joined in with Sis trying to convince Mom to let us keep him. She emphatically said ‘No’.
Too make a long story short--it took another week to finally convince Mom to let us keep the cat. Sis would bring it in with her during her daily visits and Mom slowly got used to it and saw that the cat wasn’t going to be any trouble. I went to the store one day and when I returned Sis told me that Mom finally relented and said I could have it. I was so pleased! I hugged Mom and thanked her and I thanked Sis because she was the one that finally convinced Mom.
Sis gave me the supplies I needed and the cat became one of the family that night. I checked her over real good, found out ‘it’ was a she, detected no fleas on her, and discovered she had ear mites. I’ve treated her for the ear mites so she is fine now. She is very good since she is so fat and lazy. Typical ol’ cat--she eats, sleeps, walks around for maybe 5 minutes, sleeps, gets up and walks around for 2 minutes, sleeps--you get the idea!
She’s become accustomed to being outside for so many months that she wants out every morning, after eating, but she stays close by and comes back in during the afternoon and stays in then. She sleeps at the foot of my bed every night. Mom enjoys watching her and she pets on her and coos over her. She is a great cat for us.
I call her ‘Goody’. Goody, goody for her--Goody, goody for me!!
What a beautiful story! Yay indeed!!
I wish you all much happiness together! :-)
What a wonderful story. And Bless y'all for taking her in. xxxxxx
Thank you Jonie and Judi! I'm so happy I could give her a warm and loving home!
Its a very touching story
I was also found by the river
and now I have a life as a KING :))))
Kareltje =^.^=
Great Anya! Thanks for being here!
Goody’s gorgeous but her full name should be Good and Plenty, she’s huge! All kidding aside I’m so glad Goody chose you to be her mommy.
Perfect name for her Nancy! She weighs 15 pounds!!
That is one very lucky cat. I hope she brings a lot of joy to you and your Mom.
Thank you Nauri! She is fun to have around and Mom likes watching her antics, too.
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