Toilet paper?! We just bought toilet paper 2 weeks ago!
I know, Mom, but there’s only 2 rolls left and that won’t last for another week.
Just how much toilet paper do you use?
Well, when I lived alone, I averaged using about 3 or 4 rolls per week.
3 or 4 ROLLS PER WEEK!!!!!!!! My god, Barbara! That is so wasteful!!
No it’s not, Mom. That is average for most women. Actually I know many women who use a lot more than that. I, also, use it for Kleenex to blow my nose you know. A 4-roll pack only costs 99 cents.
99 CENTS!! OUTRAGEOUS!!! Prices these days are ridiculous!!
Mom, that’s the cheap generic brand. Other brands are twice as expensive and, besides, I buy my own toilet paper. It doesn’t come out of your money.
That doesn’t matter. You shouldn’t spend your money like that, you know it doesn’t last forever!
Gee, Mom, you might want to think about that when you buy 2 puzzle books a week at $3 and $4 per book!
I need my puzzle books!
Well, I’m pretty sure I need my toilet paper!
(( Ok, readers, help me out here. How much toilet paper do you use per week?))
When we went to the eye doctor for Mom’s checkup on her Glaucoma, he said the drops weren’t lowering the pressure very much.
Mrs. P, I’m afraid I have to strongly suggest having surgery for the glaucoma. We can do a combined Glaucoma/Cataract surgery so you only have to do it one time.
I’m not having surgery at my age. I’m 87 years old.
Mrs. P, I have 4 patients who are over 100 and very thankful to be able to see clearly again.
I don’t care! I’m not having surgery!
Ok, Mrs. P, I’ll honor your wishes. I’m going to add 2 more eye drop medicines to your routine and see if those help to get your pressure down. But, if they don’t help, then I will press for surgery.
I’m not having surgery. Period.
Well, I will still press for it.
((Yeh. Good luck with that Doc!))
One of those days...
Ok - I need a lot of toilet paper :-)
Hope that helps :-)
Hahaha!! Thanks Jonie! That does help!!
I use a lot, too! :)
My roomie and I take turns buying the huge packs, and when he buys, he gets single rolls, but when I buy I get double rolls since I use more than he does, lol.
I love my TP! LOL!!
Hahaha!! Thanks V!
I take our TP seriously, I only buy Charmin Ultra Soft Mega roll. My husband is always complaining that we use and spend too much and my reply is its time for a second job, so he keeps quiet and looks for coupons. I love my TP.
I hope the drops work for your mom. It’s been a gradual loss of her eyesight so she probably doesn’t remember how clearly she used to see. Good luck!
Thanks Nancy! Glad you 'waste' TP right along with me!
Yes, I hope they work, too. Another patient was talking to Mom, in the waiting room, and told her that after he had his surgery he was amazed at how well he could see now, such a difference! Mom just told him 'Well, I see just fine now.'--- So, there's no convincing her!
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