Ok, got that off my chest!
But, really, why did they have to do this to us? To make more money for the cable companies? That’s the way I see it because the reception is so poor, you have to sign up for cable in order to watch anything all the way through! Unfortunately, we live in a rural area where there is no cable plus we couldn’t afford it anyway.
We bought Mom a new larger TV because my little one was too small for her (her old one had gone on the blink soon after I came out here and we‘ve been using mine), we got it all hooked up and ran through the programming process, plugged in the antenna and we couldn’t hardly get anything plus every time we turned off the TV, we would lose all but a few channels and have to go through the whole programming process again.
After a week of frustration, I called TV Support for the brand of TV we had. I could hardly understand his foreign accent but he managed to walk me through the programming steps to make sure I hadn’t skipped any of them--I hadn’t. Then I told him about the crappy antenna reception. This was his answer: “Ma’am, you need to buy a newer antenna.” I told him we just bought this one 3 months ago. He said, “You need a newer one. You see, the newer ones have longer prongs and reach deeper into the TV to pull in better reception.”
I said, “Are you serious?” His reply was, “Yes, you need a new antenna.” Hmmmm....I started to laugh, thanked him for his help--which was nil--and hung up. I did a little research on antenna connectors only to find that they are all the same length.
The TV finally recognized the programming, after 3 more tries, so we have no more problems with that issue. We are still laughing about needing a longer-pronged antenna.......jeez! Don’t you love Tech Support?
Brother D update: He is supposed to start a new job this coming Monday. I’m on edge until he actually starts. I’m so afraid something will fall through. I won’t settle down until I know he is back out on the road again.
You've made me laugh, sorry! :-))) I do understand your frustration. Technical support is a joke! Praying that all goes well and your brother is on the roads again on Monday.
I'm glad I made you laugh! Yes, Tech support is to-o-o funny! I couldn't believe he said that!
Now, anytime something's not working right, in the house, we all say 'You need a longer prong'! hahaha!!
hahahaha, you are a hoot !! I shan't be forgetting that anytime soon :-))))
Lol @ longer prong!
But I do understand your frustration :-)
I lived in a rural area and our only choice was satellite or an antenna. I eventually chose satellite, & not being a huge TV person, I was stuck with hundereds of channels I didn't want just to get the few I did want!
I don't miss the old days of antennas, and I do remember the frustration of having to poke around and figure out the 'just right' angles, lol. But one good thing came of your plight --y'all have something funny to laugh at a new household joke ;-) Longer prongs, indeed! Haha!
Hi V! Glad to see ya here!
On mt tv, I knew which way to turn the antenna for each channel and this one was different--drove me crazy!
Can't afford satellite or any other means so we're stuck with it!
Yeh, we love a good laugh around here! :)
I hate the whole digital change to, it created havoc with my mother’s TV, that’s why she to has a new TV. (She could not get the hang of the cable box).
I had to laugh at the prongs not being long enough, what I think the representative was trying to say was his prongs weren’t long enough to get a clear picture.
"I think the representative was trying to say was his prongs weren’t long enough to get a clear picture."
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