So we thought!
Before going to the pharmacy, I called for the price so Mom would know how much to write the check for so I could pick it up. The eye drops cost $190!! For a one month supply! What!!!???? There was no way she could afford that every month over her lifetime (that’s how long she’ll have to use them), no way anyone in her income bracket could afford that! She is on Social Security and only has Medicare Part A and Part B. She has no prescription coverage at all.
When Mom originally signed up for Medicare, it wasn’t explained very well to her so she didn’t know about the prescription coverage. She has to wait until her birthday--February--before she can make changes on her plan. So, she’s stuck with what she has for now.
Mom said she was not going to do the treatment due to the high cost and I agreed with her. I said I’d see what else could be done.
I got on Wal Mart’s website and looked up their $4.00 prescription plan. There was a list of a dozen different glaucoma eye drops available for $4.00 per month or $10.00 for 3 months. I emailed the doc with the information asking him if she could use one of the cheaper drops. He said she could although those eye drops were less effective, she would have to use them twice per day rather than once. I said that was fine. So, I picked up the order at Wal Mart and all is fine now.
It just enrages me that the drug companies make these wonderful drugs for all kinds of diseases but have them priced so high that many cannot afford them! Where’s the heart in that? It just tells me the companies are in it for the profits and not for the care of a patient. I have a dear friend with severe osteoarthritis pain and there is a wonderful drug available for treatment. It costs $1,000 per month! As that is not affordable for her, she must suffer needlessly!
Some drug companys help with the cost of some drugs if you can't afford them.Check it out,
Thanks Peggy! I know about that but so far we are ok with this medicine. We may need to do that in the future, though.
The government really needs to address this. The overall, long term, economic benefits of helping people sooner than later, outweigh the immediate profits of drug companies. Kind of like the cost of caring for smokers outweighs the tax on tobacco products.
Pleased you were able to find a solution BUT I AGREE, you shouldn't have to.
take care and hugs
Good for you for not giving up! Seriously, eye doctor - twice a day for 4 bucks a month -vs- once a day for 190 bucks? A drug the patient can afford to use is far more effective than one they can't even afford to buy!
I've checked out just one of the drug company offers to help when Mom's doctor changed her osteoperosis medication - they offered a free month trial. Gee, thanks!
Thanks No1! True, the government needs to start listening to the people!
Thanks Nauri! Gee-- a free one month trial? generous! (cough, cough!)
There are so many things in our country that are totally out of control due to general sad.
Judi, it is sad indeed. I'm hoping that one day it will be stopped but I'm not very optimistic about it! :(
Way to go, checking into alternate drugs and contacting the doctor. How many older people do without, to pay for medications, because they don’t have a smart daughter like you looking out for them.
Last week on 60 minutes they did a segment on the high cost of drugs. The bottom line is we pay much higher prices for the same drugs by the same companies than Canada and other countries. Why? Because those governments negotiate lower prices and the American manufacturers submit to discounts because the pills are cheap to make and even at lower prices they are profitable. Hopefully our new administration will start to negotiate on our behalf. Also the cost they spent on advertising is more than they spend on research.
Thanks Nancy. I think it's appalling that Canada and Europe have much better--and often FREE--health care plans, drug plans, and Social Security pensions than the "Great" United States does!!
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