I applied for my Widow’s Benefits! Everything went smoothly, I had all the information they needed, and I was out of the office within 25 minutes after only a 10 minute wait.
My monthly benefits will start in November. My 60th birthday is the last week of October so that’s why the wait. The amount is well over anything I made during my working years so I will be able to live comfortably for the rest of my life.
All those years of living with an alcoholic/drug using abuser has finally paid off. I feel that justice has been served. That awful man will be supporting me quite nicely!
Of course, I’m still taking care of Mom and she’s doing quite well. I will continue living with her and saving money for my own place in the near future if all stays well. I’ve been with her for a year and have discovered there is no reason for anyone to stay with her round the clock. She doesn’t physically need any help. The main things I do for her are putting in her glaucoma eye drops twice a day, clean the house, and cook dinner. She doesn’t want a fresh meal every night. Lately, she prefers to just have a sandwich and salad or some soup -- something light. I’ve been cooking full meat, potatoes, and vegetable meals and she’s tired of those.
I’d like to get my own mobile home here, in the park, nearby so I will still be able to do things for her and be close enough to run over if she needs something extra done. Sis J is across the street and brother N is next door, so she’s pretty well covered for anything imaginable. This way, I would have my own space, my alone time that I’ve been craving so badly!
Here, I have no time to myself. Mom and I have nice quiet mornings, then Sis J comes over to get something to eat and hang out for a bit. Mom takes her afternoon naps and that would give me a nice break except that J comes over again to watch an hour-long soap opera together. It does make for nice ‘sister time’ when the 2 of us can talk about things we don’t talk about when Mom is around but we could just as easily talk at her house if we need to. When I lived alone, I used to time-tape the show and watch it in the evenings when I was finished doing all I needed to do around the house and I’ve kinda hinted at going back to doing it that way but she didn’t seem to get it.
Then an hour after the show is over, when Mom is up from her nap, J comes back over to play cards with us. We have a good time together for another hour or so. After card playing is over, it’s time to fix dinner. Mom and I eat then settle in the living room to watch TV. J comes over, again, to say goodnight to us for a few minutes. Soon after is bedtime. Precious, quiet bedtime.
Mom goes to her room and I go to mine and I emit a huge sigh-- alone at last! I read whatever novel I have on hand at the time until I quiet down enough to sleep.
I miss playing my music and dancing around the house, and watching funny TV shows (Mom won’t watch comedy shows-- she thinks they’re very UNfunny) and laughing out loud!
I miss being ME!
wow, great post. now i have the picture of your day to day life. not bad. great to hear about your widow's benefits.
Yeh, not bad except for the lack of alone time.
Thank you Lorilynn! :)
That sounds like a great plan for your near future - your own place close enough to Mom to keep up with her daily needs. It's great that she is surrounded by such a strong support system, too. grats on the bennies!
I'm so glad that you will be able to be independent in the near future! I so understand your need for space and quiet. God bless you and big hugs!
Thanks for sharing this, the widow's benefits is great news but I understand your comment about lack of 'alone' time.
Thank you Nauri, Jonie, and Kate! Yes, Mom has lots of support. That's why I don't feel the need to live with her anymore-- yet be close by.
Yes, I feel a STRONG need for my alone time. I seem to function better and feel freer and not so trapped by having to live with someone-- anyone!
It sounds like 2011 will be your year! I’m glad to hear you’ll be getting widow’s benefits finally Rick did something right, but I’m sure it’s still not enough for all you had to endure.
How wonderful that your mom doesn’t need you physically. I hope you find your own home soon so you can dance, sing, laugh and enjoy your well deserve me time.
Thank you Nancy! Yes, I'm looking forward to 2011!
It would have been nice to get more but enough is enough so I'm happy with the amount.
I can't wait! My own place! Yay!
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